Case study

Executive assistance in a post-Covid-19 redundancy environment

The opportunity

Consulting & senior management training

A large New Zealand brand within the tourism sector. It was embarking on a wide scale redundancy process for a significant per cent of its staff, including some senior managers. This impacted well over 200 people. The executive team required assistance to work through the practicalities of supporting their staff through this time and minimising risk in doing so while following a process consistent with the values important to the company.

Farsight's approach

Farsight’s Jonathan Black was required to deliver a series of tailor-made webinars for executives involved in the redundancy procedures to ensure they were equipped for all possible scenarios. This involved really getting to know the angles the subject needed approaching from and how best to respond to each. Exploring the possible impact of redundancy on an individual and their family, its risk management aspects, implementation of support for affected staff and recognising worst-case scenario potential when it comes to the mental health & wellbeing of impacted individuals were all important parts of the process.

The result

An overarching strategy for a careful and pragmatic redundancy process that supported impacted staff. This thorough analysis also empowered company executives to have confidence in their reasoning and methodology, and having conversations that could vary from supportive and optimistic to challenging and uncomfortable. “Puts them in a more confident position where they are better able to support staff and manage the process, whilst also recognising everyone will be individually impacted within the same space,” Jonathan says. Making a difficult time less difficult for all involved, and reaching agreed objectives is key to successful redundancy or restructuring process.

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