Occupational Health & Wellbeing

Specialist Support and Advice in Occupational Health & Wellbeing

Healthy Individuals and Teams are More Resilient, More Adaptive, and Higher Performing

Building Resilient and High-Performing Teams through a Comprehensive Approach to Workforce Health and Wellbeing

We provide and facilitate specialist support and advice in the occupational health space. Whether a small or medium-sized enterprise to a significant corporate presence with multi-layered complexity, whether private sector or public service, healthy individuals and teams are more resilient, more adaptive, and higher performing. The evidence is pretty much overwhelming. Furthermore, and just as importantly, the healthier we are the easier we tend to be to work with. The challenge is taking that knowledge into something practical across the board.

Health is not only physical health and physically safe workplaces and systems, it includes a variety of aspects where there is an increasing amount of research demonstrating significant workplace benefits.

That includes elements that act on, improve and maintain psychological health (e.g. our mental wellness, sense of confidence and ability to effect change and be resilient), social wellbeing (e.g. the quality of our relationships at work, and at home where it affects our work, and our connections to others), our physical health (e.g. injury, fitness for the job, safe workspace), and our wairua (e.g. our sense of spirituality, identity, and holistic wellbeing).

These elements are cornerstones of a healthy workforce, are simple in concept but can be complex in practice. It’s in taking and respecting that complexity while keeping policy and practice of occupational health simple and grounded in what’s important for the activity, the people and the culture of a group and/or business where good occupational health advice and guidance comes in. That’s what we do.

With this in mind, Farsight provides a full range of services via video calling to groups or one on one. Our library of industry resources is also available online, including our YouTube series of informative videos.

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